Common Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)

Taxonomic Classification
Kingdom: Planate
Division: Magnoliophyta
Class: Magnolipsida
Subclass: Asteridae
Order: Solanales
Family: Leguminosae
Genus: Phaseolus
Species: P. vulgaris

Phaseolus has about 150 species of annuals and perennials. P. vulgaris is the best known and most widely cultivated species of Phaseolus. It is grown for the immature edible pods and dry ripe seeds.

Many cultivars of P. vulgaris are recorded and all can be divided into two.

1) Dwarf or bush cultivars: These do not need a support and are early maturing
2)Climbing or pole cultivars: These require supports, take longer time to mature and have a longer bearing period.

Morphological Characters

Stem: The climbing cultivars are 2-3m tall, whereas, the erect bushy cultivars reach only up to 20-60 cm height.

Leaves: The leaf arrangement is alternate. The leaf is trifoliate, somewhat hairy and has a long petiole grooved above. Pulvini are present at the base of the leaf. The stipules are small and the stipules are small and the stipels are minute. The leaflets are ovate, entire and acuminate. The lateral leaflets are asymmetrical.

Flowers: Flowers are borne on axillary, few-flowered lax racemes. Pedicels of the flowers are short. The calyx bract are leaf-like and, as long as or exceeding the length of the calyx. Corolla is white, yellowish, pink or violet and the keel is spirally twisted. The vexillary stamen is free and the others are joined. There is a capitate stigma with a long, hollow, twisted style.

Fruit: The pods are slender and glabrous with 4-6 seeds. Certain cultivars have up to 12 seeds in a pod. The pod may be straight or slightly curved and has a prominent beak. The colour can be yellow or green, depending on the cultivar. Sometimes they may have pink or purple splashes. Seeds are variable in color, shape and size. 


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