Winged Bean (Psophocarpus tetragonolobus (L.) DC.)

Taxonomic Classification
Kingdom: Planate
Division: Manoliophyta
Class: Magnoliopsida
Subclass: Asteridae
Order: Solanales
Family: Leguminosae
Genus: Psophocapus
Species: P.teragonolobous

Psophocarpus is a genus of five species of twining, tuberous-rooted herbs. The plants have trifoliate leaves and 4-sided, 4-winged pods. P. tetragonolobous is grown for its immature pods which are eaten as a vegetable. The plant is a twining glabrous perennial herb, usually grown as an annual. It has numerous roots; main long, thick, tuberous laterals running horizontally at a shallower depth.

Morphological Characters

Stem: The stem is ridged and 2-3 m long.

Leaves: Trifoliate leaves are arranged alternatively. The leaf has a long petiole, which is deeply grooved on the upper surface. A large pulvinus is located at the base of the leaf. The stipules are 2-parted and the stipels are small.

Flowers: The inflorescence is an axillary raceme, with 2-10 flowers clustered at top. The calyx bracts are persistent and the corolla is large. The standard is broad, auricled at the base, pale green at black and white or pale blue within. The keel is incurved. The vexillary stamen is free at the base and connected to the others from middle. The style is long, incurved and bearded lengthwise. The stigma is globose with dense hair around and below.

Fruit: The pod is more or less square, with 4 longitudinal jagged ridges. There can be 8-17 seeds embedded in tissues of the pod. The seeds are smooth, shiny and nearly globular. The colour could be white, yellow, brown or lack.


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