Soya Bean, Soybean (Glycine Max (L.) Merr.) (Syn. G. Soja Sieb, & Zucc. , G. Hispida (Moench) Maxim. , Soja Max (L.) Piper

Taxonomic Classification
Kingdom: Planate
Division: Magnoliophyta
Class: Magnoliopsida
Subclass: Asteridae
Order: Solanales
Family: Leguminosae
Genus: Glycine
Species: G.max

G.max is one of the world’s most important sources of oil and protein. The unripe seeds are eaten as a vegetable. The seeds are processed to make soy milk, curd, tofu and cheese. Many different food products are made from G. max. It is also an important pasture and fodder crop that made in to hay and silage and also used as a green manure and a cover crop.

Morphological Characters
Stem: The plants are erect, bushy, pubescent annuals of 20-180 cm in height. Grey hairs present on the stem, leaves, calyx and pod.
Plants show two types of growth.
  1)   Determinate Growth: The terminal bud develops in to a terminal inflorescence.
  2)   Indeterminate Growth: The stem does not terminate with an inflorescence.

Roots: A tap root system is present, with small, spherical and sometimes lobed nodules. Most roots are in the top 30-60 cm of soil.

Leaves: The leaves are trifoliate and alternatively arranged. Leaf petiole is long and narrow. The stipules are small and stipples are minute. Each leaflet is ovate to lanceolate in shape, pale green color and pubescent. The leaf base is rounded and the leaf apex is acute.

Flowers: These are small and borne on short, clustered, axillary racemes of 3-15 flowers. However, 20-80% of flowers drop off without forming pods.
Two bracteoles are present. The calyx is united for half of its length with 2 upper and 3 lower lobes. The calyx is hairy and persistent. Corolla is white or lilac (pale purple) and the stamens are monadelphous or vexillary stamen free. The ovary is hairy with few ovules. The style is curved and the stigma is capitates.

Fruit: The pods are hairy and borne in clusters on short stalks in groups of 3-15. They are pale yellow, dehiscent and 1-5 seeded. Seeds are globosely or flattened and the hilum is small.


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